::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Youseon's Portfolio ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::

mp1 Winning Readers 1
Children's reading book design
for Wit&Wisdom
mp1 A Space within a Book Space
Book design (MA Major Project1)
mp1 JPT Clinic Beginner
Designed layou of Japanese test book
for Wit&Wisdom
mp2 A Navigation within a Book Space
Book Design (MA Major Project2)
toeic TOEIC Practice Test 1000
Designed layou of TOEIC book
for Wit&Wisdom
mp3 Type in Sequence
Experimental Typography
ibt_grammar The iBT Grammar serise
Designed covers of TOEFL book
for Wit&Wisdom
ba1 Reconstructed Being John Malkovich
Book Design
winston Cencert Posters
Designed poster concepts
forSeoul Arts Management
ba2 Laurent Perrier Champagne Project
Tent Card Competition
column Typography Columns
Wrote and designed the columns
for Sandoll Communication
ba3 PRET – Day time Constellation
Ambient media advertising & package design
news Joong-Ang Daily Newspaper
Designed newspaper layout templet
restaurant BI Cuisines of India
an Indian restaurant BI design
sandoll Type Specimen booklet
Proposed and designed a type specimen booklet to promote OEM font
bdg Black Dog Publishing works
ditchling Who went to Ditchling?
Personal travel journal
cv CV, covering letter & contact vis e-mail